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Ensino Livros
Developer: YHWH pro LLC

Welcome to את.net – the rarest Library of Holy Books & Apocrypha Texts, where divine wisdom, spiritual guidance, and ancient truth connect. Unlock ΑΩ, the Word of God, and the secrets of the universe, all at one spot.

- Abidhamma Pitaka
- Aeneid
- Apocryphal Gospels
- Atrahasis Epic
- Bhagavad Gita
- Bible
- Book of Enoch
- Book of Mormon
- Book of Jubilees
- Cairo Genizah Fragments
- Catechism of The Catholic Church
- City of God
- Codex Alexandrinus
- Codez Bezae
- Codex Vaticanus
- Codex Washingtonianus
- Corpus Hermetica
- Cratylus
- Dead Sea Scrolls
- Dhammapada
- Divine Pomander
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- Enmerkar
- Enuma Elish
- Epic of Gilgamesh
- Euclid’s Elements
- Genesis Rabbah
- Golden Verses of Pythagoras
- Hymn to Aten
- I Ching
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- Interlinear Bible
- Ion
- Jerusalem Talmud
- Kebra Nagast
- King James Sonnets
- Lankavatara Sutra
- Leningrad Codex
- Letters of Rabbi Akibah
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- Sefer Ha-Bahir
- Sefer Raziel
- Sefer Yetzirah
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- Sifre
- Sumerian Kings List
- Sutta Pitaka
- Tanakh
- Tao Te Ching
- Tel El-Amarna Tablets
- The Notebook of Leonardo Da Vinci
- Theogony
- Tosefta
- Upanishads
- Vinaya Pitaka
- Visions of Zosimos
- Works and Days
- Works of Josephus
- Works of Philo
- Works of Virgil
- Yoga Sutra
- Zhuangzi
- Zohar